What’s Your Ideal First Date?

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No. 1 /5
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How do you like to connect with someone new?
Through deep conversation
By sharing a fun experience
In a casual and relaxed environment
By spending quiet time together
No. 2 /5
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What’s most important to you on a first date?
Meaningful conversation
Exciting activities
A relaxed atmosphere
Shared entertainment
No. 3 /5
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What setting would you prefer for a first date?
A cozy restaurant
An adventurous outdoor location
A quiet café
A movie theater
No. 4 /5
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How do you handle first-date nerves?
I focus on meaningful conversation
I distract myself with a fun activity
I keep it casual and easy-going
I let the setting do the talking
No. 5 /5
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What’s your favorite way to end a first date?
A heartfelt goodbye and planning the next date
A high-five or hug after an exciting time
A warm smile and a promise to stay in touch
A casual goodbye after a comfortable evening

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